All Right Here?

Having recently moved from the UK to South East Asia, a lot of people have asked me: "So, what's it like, then?" This is my attempt to answer that question.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Wildlife Update

As I got into work today at about 6.50am, the first sight to greet my eyes was this little feller. This time there were other people around, so I managed to keep my wits about me rather than screaming the place down.

However, I did run around until I found a vacant chair which I stood on whilst pulling my trouser legs up.

I counted the legs (on the animal - the chair definitely had four) and managed to come to the conclusion that it was a spider.

A spider that took up the whole of the skirting board.

Approaching with extreme caution, I took a photo, then, remembering the importance of perspective, bravely placed a metre rule next to the arachnoid.

I'm sure there are far more impressive spiders in captivity, but this is surely the largest ever seen in the wild?

It scuttled away then to eat some children.

I'm hoping, as I'm sure you are, that I have something interesting to say tomorrow.

Currently feeling very tired and uninspired.


  • At 9:52 pm, Blogger Teresa Bowman said…

    I meant to post a comment ages ago, but I've only just stopped shuddering in fear.

    Oh. My. God.

    I am NEVER leaving Britain. EVER.

  • At 11:39 pm, Blogger thomkat said…

    An absolute beauty! Remember, they eat flies, and anything has to be better than flies, no? Saw a couple, not quite so big, but TWO of them, in my Mum's cupboard a few weeks ago. Have put a picture of them, just for you, on my blog. I hope you've got down off the chair now....

  • At 12:03 am, Blogger thomkat said…

    BTW, know you know who I am now (check the assonance!). Grrr, rumbled... Wonder how long it will take biggabredren to work it out?!

  • At 12:07 am, Blogger swisslet said…

    How do you manage to sleep?

  • At 3:24 am, Blogger swisslet said…

    Ok - my entry is in:

  • At 6:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thomkat....male or female?

  • At 6:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    BTW? What does that mean?.... clueless I am, me!

  • At 6:09 pm, Blogger Me said…

    Thanks to Thomkat and Swiss for upstaging me completely and immediately in the spider stakes. I'm going out immediately to explore the undergrowth in search of elephants.

  • At 7:29 am, Blogger swisslet said…

    Like I said somewhere else - my spider is in the middle of a massive country at the bottom of the world in a different hemisphere and many 1000s of miles from me. Yours is in your classroom. In my books that makes you the winner!

    And you've got a giant cockroach...

    Who knows what else awaits you! To be honest, it's one of the things that keeps me reading...

  • At 11:31 pm, Blogger Me said…

    Hi to you too. Another nice pseudonym. I think I've cracked it, though...


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