All Right Here?

Having recently moved from the UK to South East Asia, a lot of people have asked me: "So, what's it like, then?" This is my attempt to answer that question.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

The Good Steward And The Friend Of The Stars

I had the eye-opening, comical privilege of watching the 2nd US Presidential debate this morning. This was the first time I'd watched the whole of a debate live, all the way through. I think I'll tune in again.

George W seemed to be like a small child arguing in the playground about things he didn't really understand. At one point, he said that Kerry "almost made him scowl" with one of his answers. At any moment I was expecting George to chase Kerry around the room, attempting to give him a wedgie.

There were, of course, lots of questions about Iraq. George, of course, reiterated the view that the world changed on September 11th. He also name-dropped some of the nations and leaders behind him. Blair, Berlosconi... a long pause... Poland...

The question he really seemed to falter on most, though, was:

"What has your administration done for the environment?"

For a long moment, he resembled a woodlouse on its back, flapping its legs around in the air, then muttered something about diesel emmisions being cut. He paused again, clearly unnerved. He appeared to be desperately trying to remember a list that an adviser had given him the night before. Finally, he visibly relaxed, as if turned the right way up again, and spewed out a list of meaningless strategies and abstract labels such as "clearer sky policy".

He finished his answer with the words:

"I've been a good steward of the land."

I was unfortunate enough to have a mouthful of tea at this point, and it ended up all over my t-shirt.

Kerry seemed to be enjoying himself, although he too said a few things that made me cringe. For example:

"I'm a close friend of Christopher Reeve and I'd love to see him walk again."

So do the American people want the woodlouse steward or David Brent?


  • At 7:44 pm, Blogger Me said…

    Yes, and although I was laughing yesterday because I was watching a circus, it's not really that funny, because the ring master gets so much power. I can't believe such a clueless buffoon has risen to these heights. Don't know if you've heard, but I read today that there have been suggestions that Bush is wired for the debates - getting fed his comments - which would explain his long pause on the environmnent question, cos his advisers probably know nothing about it either...

    Even more frightening is the fact that Tony Blair is actually extremely intelligent yet has decided to follow a president whose arguments he should be mocking.

    It's like Roy Keane being managed by Mick McCarthy. Or at least it should be.

  • At 12:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Christopher Reeve died today didn't he ... It'll be interesting to see if the "flip flopper" (whatever is wrong with wearing flip flops?) uses that as electoral collateral.... That'll give some measure of the man...

    Incidentally, on the subject of Superman, he never did straighten up the Tower of Pisa, or if he did, he didn't do it properly as I saw it last month and it is distinctly leany. An infernal ruse!

  • At 4:24 pm, Blogger Me said…

    Yes, he did. Makes Kerry's comment seem even more Brent like. One of my colleagues said that the Americans will never vote Kerry for president as he's "just a man with a long face."

    I may be mistaken, but didn't Superman straighten the Tower of Pisa when he was in "evil" mode - an infernal, wicked ruse to annoy tourists and particularly the man making clay leaning tower souvenirs? Then Superman became good again after beating himself up (or something) and unstraightened it again?

    Anyway, it's just a story.


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