All Right Here?

Having recently moved from the UK to South East Asia, a lot of people have asked me: "So, what's it like, then?" This is my attempt to answer that question.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

I Scream

Busy, busy, busy... I've barely enough time to tell you that...

However, I can just squeeze this in too:

Arsene Wenger, Arsenal's manager, on November 4th, said,

"At the moment, goals aren't coming as fluently as we are used to. When you want an ice-cream and it normally comes quickly but suddenly it doesn't then it's a bit more difficult. You become nervous and that is what is happening to us now.”

I thought that was really funny at the time. You know, likening goals to the speed at which a Mr Whippy is dispensed. What a silly man.

Then, just over a week later, Arsenal ate 5 ice creams at once at the expense of my team, Spurs.

It's not so funny now. It's enough to put your teeth on edge.


  • At 9:18 pm, Blogger Me said…

    Thanks for those kind words. Rather snowed under (although of course, not literally) at the moment and therefore not really doing much worth writing about. Will return soon. It's silly season - reports, parents' evenings and all that.


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