All You've Gotta Do Is Dream
Being inspected on Monday. No outward signs of anxiety. After all, it’s only a mini-inspection (whatever that means).
However, this morning I awoke at the conclusion of a dream in which I’d been inspected whilst teaching my first ever Year 9 class, who certainly knew how to give me the run around. I was reading an extract from 1984. At least, I was trying to. Throughout the hour long dream lesson they messed about and wouldn't listen, so I still hadn't finished reading the extract (all of two pages) by the end. However, I had shouted myself hoarse, thinking that might impress the inspector. The inspector, in the corner of the room, looked most alarmed.
When I woke up I wasn't sure whether it had actually happened, so had to speak in order to ensure that I wasn't actually hoarse. I was delighted to discover that I wasn't.
I’m sure this isn’t a sign of how it will go, rather it’s an internalisation of anxiety (or something).
My head of department had a dream that he told us about the other day. He was being buried alive.
We discussed our dreams today. He was put out that he’d had such a predictable dream – being buried alive was too obvious a metaphor for him.
At least his dream was metaphorical.
I had a more pleasant dream the other night, in which I was making loud noises in public places and finding it hilarious that no one noticed. I woke myself up laughing and couldn't stop for a number of minutes.
I actually do this in real life fairly frequently. Please try it out. It's great fun. Any old incomprehensible gutteral roar will do. On the bus, going up an escalator, queuing for a bus, sitting in the cinema, during a lesson... no one bats an eyelid, from the UK to South East Asia.
Make sure you let me know how you get on.
However, this morning I awoke at the conclusion of a dream in which I’d been inspected whilst teaching my first ever Year 9 class, who certainly knew how to give me the run around. I was reading an extract from 1984. At least, I was trying to. Throughout the hour long dream lesson they messed about and wouldn't listen, so I still hadn't finished reading the extract (all of two pages) by the end. However, I had shouted myself hoarse, thinking that might impress the inspector. The inspector, in the corner of the room, looked most alarmed.
When I woke up I wasn't sure whether it had actually happened, so had to speak in order to ensure that I wasn't actually hoarse. I was delighted to discover that I wasn't.
I’m sure this isn’t a sign of how it will go, rather it’s an internalisation of anxiety (or something).
My head of department had a dream that he told us about the other day. He was being buried alive.
We discussed our dreams today. He was put out that he’d had such a predictable dream – being buried alive was too obvious a metaphor for him.
At least his dream was metaphorical.
I had a more pleasant dream the other night, in which I was making loud noises in public places and finding it hilarious that no one noticed. I woke myself up laughing and couldn't stop for a number of minutes.
I actually do this in real life fairly frequently. Please try it out. It's great fun. Any old incomprehensible gutteral roar will do. On the bus, going up an escalator, queuing for a bus, sitting in the cinema, during a lesson... no one bats an eyelid, from the UK to South East Asia.
Make sure you let me know how you get on.
At 2:19 pm,
Me said…
Er... of course, I don't really do that... honest...
At 8:50 pm,
Me said…
Yes, yes, thanks very much, that's quite enough of that.
At 3:38 am,
Anonymous said…
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