All Right Here?

Having recently moved from the UK to South East Asia, a lot of people have asked me: "So, what's it like, then?" This is my attempt to answer that question.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Zoo

I went out for dinner with about 20 of my new colleagues on Sunday. At one point, I was chatting with one about what we'd been up to for the weekend. She told me she'd been to the zoo. I replied enthusiastically that I'd been to the zoo too, and loved it. She said, "We'll have to go, then. No one else seems to be particularly bothered about going."

I thought that this was a bit odd for a couple of reasons. Firstly, if you've already been to the zoo, why would you want to go again so soon? Secondly, I couldn't believe that no one else wanted to go. There must be someone else interested in seeing free ranging animals (it's a very humane zoo, if such a thing exists).

She then started talking about all the great music they played there. They have a night safari there, so I assumed she was talking about that, and that they played music while you look at the animals. I said I didn't go at night. She looked at me as if I was a bit odd.

It finally dawned on me that I'd misheard her. I realised that she' d said she'd been to Zuke, which is a night club.

I didn't admit my mistake. I had an opportunity a bit later when she told a few people about it and said, "Mike's been, and he thinks it's great!"

I just nodded.

My question is, at what point do I admit that I like seeing animals rather than going to night clubs? Apparently it stays open till 4am. I just can't do that anymore. Any suggestions? Do I admit it, or keep pretending that I'm cool?


  • At 11:38 am, Blogger Di Gallagher said…

    Oooo, just keep pretending. Eventually you will be cool by proxy, just because everyone else thinks it.

  • At 8:06 pm, Blogger Ella said…

    Mikey are you flirting?

  • At 9:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's not flirting ella .. that's mikey keeping things nice and friendly like!

    If I were you mikey boy, I'd go and visit the night club just to check that it isn't a meat market or just plain rubbish - then I'd continue the ruse if you like what you see... a week later though I'd look for somewhere new say a venue called "the hot box" or something and begin to respond with comments like "well the zoom used to be good but I go to the hot box now ..." thus retaining your cool status and widening your network of adulation!

  • At 9:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    correction, zuke not zoom, although I think that zoom sounds like a rather more fun place to go?!

  • At 4:00 pm, Blogger Me said…

    Thanks for the advice. Keeping it quiet.

  • At 7:03 am, Blogger Me said…

    Cath, you just made me spit my water out laughing. That's not happened before.


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